Biennial plants
- 二年生植物

South African annual or biennial plants having flowers that open only in bright sunlight .
All annual and biennial plants are monocarpic .
Bolting Premature flowering and seed production . Biennial plants will sometimes bolt in their first year ; this seriously reduces their yield .
Foliage plants ; ( 4 ) Woody plants and ( 5 ) Annual & biennial plants , ( 6 ) Bonsai , and ( 7 ) Fruit plants . Species , flower color , ornamental features were recorded .
The dissecting observation on diseased annual and biennial plants of largehead atractylodes rhizome determined that the symptoms of rhizome rot on this plant included three different types : dry rot , wet rot and caudex rot.
The change of diversity of the dominant annual and biennial herbaceous plants and xerophytes affects not only the community diversity , but also affects significantly the stability and ecological functions of steppe communities and ecosystems .
The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) The investigated total wild seed plants in this area are 38 families , 18 genera , 30 species , in which contains 9 grasses , 6 compositae and most of which are annual , biennial and perennial herbaceous plants .
A biennial life cycle ; parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals .